Satellite Viewer VR

In 2018 I was tasked with building a small demo to attract users to Torch Technologies' booth at the Space Symposium in Colorado Springs CO. The booth organizers asked for a space related demo that would attract expo attendees into our booth. I was given three weeks to deliver the demo from concept to delivery.

The final demo was a VR satellite orbit viewer of the most popular satellites in orbit. The application reads in TLE sets and general satellite info and then displays it in context around the earth. Users could see all of the satellite orbits, and could select individual satellites to learn more about them. 

Project Highlights:

  • Written in C++
  • Used procedural mesh components to generate orbit paths at runtime with only a single draw call per orbit
  • Used .CSV files imported as data tables to drive satellite orbit and information data
  • Custom VR controller with support for animated button/joystick inputs, toggle help overlay
  • Custom animated earth material.

I was the sole artist and developer for this project.


Apr 25 2018


  • Unreal Engine
  • Programming
  • VR